Terminology: This page gives definitions for some
of the technical terms found on the INSIGHT website.
Term |
Definition |
Base Flow Index |
Proportion of streamflow that exists as base flow
(calculated using a base flow separation technique). |
Irrigated Acres |
Amount of estimated acreage identified as having the
potential to be irrigated by both groundwater and surface water. |
Diversion |
The amount of water, measured at a point, that has been
turned aside or altered from the natural course of a flow of water and
diverted for a beneficial use. |
Demand |
The Basin Water Supply necessary to exit a basin or
sub-basin to meet the proportionate amount of non-tributary demands or
basins or sub-basins located downstream. |
Acres |
Cropped acreage that is not irrigated. |
Consumption |
Groundwater consumptive use estimated for either
irrigation, municipal, or industrial uses that are located in the
hydrologically connected area. |
Depletion |
The modeled impacts of groundwater pumping on stream
base flows. |
Irrigated Acres |
Amount of acreage estimated to be irrigated by
groundwater. |
Demand |
Demands for streamflows appropriated for hydropower
purposes. |
Flow Demand |
Demands for streamflow taking place within the stream
channel to provide beneficial use for fish, recreation, and wildlife.
These demands are based on current appropriations held by the Nebraska
Game and Parks Commission or any local Natural Resources Districts. Due
to the non-consumptive nature of these demands it is possible that
other non-consumptive demands (i.e. hydropower) may serve to represent
a portion of the demand. |
Term Balance |
Difference between Total
Long Term Demand and Total
Basin Water Supply |
Term Balance |
The difference between Total Near Term Demand
and Total Basin Water
Supply. |
Surface Water Loss |
Net streamflow necessary to convey surface water
consumptive uses. The water represents the water that may be lost in
delivering water from a Diversion
point to a field. An example would be the delivery of water through an
unlined canal to a field. |
Demands |
The surface water demands capable of making physical
use of water supplies that exit a basin or sub-basin located upstream.
Additionally, this includes groundwater consumption that is capable of
utilizing those same surface water sources. Groundwater uses are
determined as those within the hydrologically connected area. |
Other Acres |
All other non-cropped acres. |
Rate |
Estimated annual rate of precipitation occurring within
a given sub-basin (i.e., precipitation volume divided by land area of
given basin or sub-basin). |
Volume |
Estimated annual volume of precipitation occurring
within a given basin or sub-basin. |
Long Term Balance |
Difference between Total Projected Long
Term Demand and Total
Basin Water Supply. |
Inflow |
Determined by summing the proportionate downstream
demands that were assigned to each basin or sub-basin located upstream.
While the term "required inflow" is used, this does not represent
inflows that are required by permit or statute; it is simply a term
coined for these methods and it is necessary as a means to provide more
spatially refined (i.e., for sub-basin) evaluations. |
Evaporation |
Volume of water evaporation from large reservoir
sources. |
Streamflow |
The discharge of water in a natural channel and
measured at a gaging location at the outlet of a basin or sub-basin.
These flows have been truncated at the 5% exceedence flow probability
level to remove extreme events. |
Gain |
The discharge of water in a natural channel and
measured at a gaging location at the outlet of a basin or sub-basin
less the amount of streamflow measured at the basin or sub-basin
immediately upstream. These flows have been truncated at the 5%
exceedence flow probability level to remove extreme events. |
Water Consumption |
Surface water consumptive use estimated for either
irrigation, municipal, or industrial uses. |
Water Demand |
Surface water demand for irrigation, municipal, or
industrial uses (recognizes potential limitations due to administration
for senior water uses) |
Water Irrigated Acres |
Amount of acreage estimated to be irrigated by surface
water. |
Basin Water Supply |
The streamflow water supply available absent major
activities of man. This value is calculated by recreating the
streamflow that would have been available with no Diversion or Groundwater Depletion. |
Evapotranspiration |
Evapotranspiration of all land uses of the basin or
subbasin water supply. Calculated as the Precipitation Volume
less Streamflow. |
Groundwater Consumption |
The combined groundwater consumptive use estimated for
irrigation, municipal, and industrial uses located in the
hydrologically connected area. |
Irrigated Acres |
Summation of all acres irrigated through groundwater,
surface water, or comingled. |
Long Term Demand |
The total demand for consumptive and non-consumptive
uses of streamflow by surface water and groundwater uses. These demands
include: Groundwater
Consumption, Surface
Water Demand, Hydropower
Power Demand, Instream
Flow Demand, Net
Surface Water Loss, and Downstream
Demands. |
Near Term Demand |
The total demand for consumptive and non-consumptive
uses of streamflow by surface water and groundwater uses. These demands
include: Groundwater
Depletion, Surface
Water Demand, Hydropower
Power Demand, Instream
Flow Demand, Net
Surface Water Loss, and Downstream
Demands. |
Projected Long Term Demand |
The total demand for consumptive and non-consumptive
uses of streamflow by surface water and groundwater uses. These demands
are represented by adding 5% of additional demand to the Total Long Term Demand. |
Recharge |
Estimated recharge that is based on evaluation of the
base flow (groundwater discharge to streams) portion of basin or
sub-basin streamflow. |
Total Runoff |
Estimated overland runoff that is based on the
remaining portion of the basin or sub-basin streamflow supply not
represented as recharge. |